Post by Phil McFarlaneI understand (I think)from your reply that I will
need to move my record sets to the server and
complete a transaction on the server. How to do
this is my problem. My previous experience with
DAO and Access is of no help and I am unsure how
to proceed. If you know of any examples that would
help they would be appreciated.
In Oct. 2009 we had a short discussion about recompiling
the small DBServer.dll which hosts the basic-functionality"
for Remote SQLite-communication (containing only a few small
functions in one single, serverside Class cDBAccess.cls).
This thread also contained a suggestion, to switch-on the
dhRPC-DebugMode for your further (much more easy)
enhancements on the function-set within that DBServer.dll ...
Here's the thread again:
So it would be great, if you could try to make the appropriate
efforts, to manage your first "fully debuggable Server-Code-
Rountdtrip" against the DBServer.dll-*Project* again.
Maybe starting with one of the smaller Functions which are
already built in (e.g. Step-By-Step debugging of the retrieval
of a simple, small Recordset from the serverside DB).
If you are beginning to "feel familiar" with that Debug-Mode
again, we should talk about new serverside Functions
(Methods) within the cDBAccess-Class of DBServer.dll.
Just ask, if you have more questions with regards to these
Debugging-preparations ... if you have it running, you
could already try, to implement something very simple
yourself - as for example in the cDBAccess.cls:
Public Function Reflect(S As String) As String
Reflect = StrReverse(S)
End Function
Then add the necessary clientside "wrapper-call" into
your Main-Exes Private Class, which is responsible
for the RPC-Calls - and try to use this new call
from your GUI - start in Debug-Mode first - and then
maybe also in "compiled mode", by placing the
recompiled Dll again in your Server-Directory.
If you managed, to "successfully reflect strings" ;-),
(your "Debug-Recompile-Test-workflow") again
refreshed in your mind, then adding a Public Function
which handles serverside DB-transactions should be
no larger problem anymore...