Phillip Windell
2009-12-09 21:46:56 UTC
I am having problem with my ASP page creating a new databse record *twice*
when I subnet the page. This creates a duplicate records (except for the
autonumber ID field). They are ASP Classic pages written in VBS. The
database is an MS Access MDB file. Below you will find first a
"Response.write" output of an SQL Statement. Then below that is the code of
the page. The page is fairly short. I can include the relavant parts of
the two "include files" if you need them, but I doubt you will need them.
You should be able to tell from the SQL statement that the previous pages
are working corrrectly.
Phillip Windell
The views expressed, are my own and not those of my employer, or Microsoft,
or anyone else associated with me, including my cats.
--------------------------------SQL Statement---Ignore
INSERT INTO tblEvents (fldTitle, fldStartDate, fldEndDate, fldDetails,
fldApproved) VALUES ('This is a Title', #1/12/2012#, #1/13/2012#, 'This is a
Description', on)
<% Option Explicit %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18852"></HEAD>
<!-- #include FILE = "database.asp" -->
<!-- #include FILE = "functionsproceedures.asp" -->
Dim intID
Dim strTitle
Dim strStartDate
Dim strEndDate
Dim strDetails
Dim strApproved
Dim strSQL
strTitle = CleanIllegalChar(Request.Form.Item("txtTitle"))
strStartDate = cDate(Request.Form.Item("txtStartDate"))
strEndDate = cDate(Request.Form.Item("txtEndDate"))
strDetails = CleanIllegalChar(Request.Form.Item("areaDetails"))
strApproved = Request.Form.Item("chkApproved")
If strApproved = "" then strApproved ="False"
'Response.write intID & "<br>"
'Response.write strTitle & "<br>"
'Response.write strStartDate & "<br>"
'Response.write strEndDate & "<br>"
'Response.write strDetails & "<br>"
'Response.write strApproved & "<br>"
'Create SQL string for Update
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEvents (fldTitle, fldStartDate, fldEndDate,
fldDetails, fldApproved) "
strSQL = strSQL & "VALUES ("
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & strTitle & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "#" & strStartDate & "#, "
strSQL = strSQL & "#" & strEndDate & "#, "
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & strDetails & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "" & strApproved & ""
strSQL = strSQL & ")"
'Write the changes
'Response.write strSQL
objConn.Execute strSQL
set objConn = Nothing
<Input Type="Button" Name="btnDone"
when I subnet the page. This creates a duplicate records (except for the
autonumber ID field). They are ASP Classic pages written in VBS. The
database is an MS Access MDB file. Below you will find first a
"Response.write" output of an SQL Statement. Then below that is the code of
the page. The page is fairly short. I can include the relavant parts of
the two "include files" if you need them, but I doubt you will need them.
You should be able to tell from the SQL statement that the previous pages
are working corrrectly.
Phillip Windell
The views expressed, are my own and not those of my employer, or Microsoft,
or anyone else associated with me, including my cats.
--------------------------------SQL Statement---Ignore
INSERT INTO tblEvents (fldTitle, fldStartDate, fldEndDate, fldDetails,
fldApproved) VALUES ('This is a Title', #1/12/2012#, #1/13/2012#, 'This is a
Description', on)
<% Option Explicit %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18852"></HEAD>
<!-- #include FILE = "database.asp" -->
<!-- #include FILE = "functionsproceedures.asp" -->
Dim intID
Dim strTitle
Dim strStartDate
Dim strEndDate
Dim strDetails
Dim strApproved
Dim strSQL
strTitle = CleanIllegalChar(Request.Form.Item("txtTitle"))
strStartDate = cDate(Request.Form.Item("txtStartDate"))
strEndDate = cDate(Request.Form.Item("txtEndDate"))
strDetails = CleanIllegalChar(Request.Form.Item("areaDetails"))
strApproved = Request.Form.Item("chkApproved")
If strApproved = "" then strApproved ="False"
'Response.write intID & "<br>"
'Response.write strTitle & "<br>"
'Response.write strStartDate & "<br>"
'Response.write strEndDate & "<br>"
'Response.write strDetails & "<br>"
'Response.write strApproved & "<br>"
'Create SQL string for Update
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblEvents (fldTitle, fldStartDate, fldEndDate,
fldDetails, fldApproved) "
strSQL = strSQL & "VALUES ("
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & strTitle & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "#" & strStartDate & "#, "
strSQL = strSQL & "#" & strEndDate & "#, "
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & strDetails & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "" & strApproved & ""
strSQL = strSQL & ")"
'Write the changes
'Response.write strSQL
objConn.Execute strSQL
set objConn = Nothing
<Input Type="Button" Name="btnDone"